History Table

Many a times there is a need a to remember when and on what days we have done our japas or said our prayers and this is the very purpose of the history table. The prayer history tab simply records every 108 count of the japa that you have recited. The maintenance of history could be for various purposes like

  • We need to recite prayers for a fixed count (like 1250 times)
  • Keeping count of prayers done in a day or in a month
  • When did we last say our prayers
  • Or simply just to keep track of our prayers


  • A simple history table which shows the count for as and when the prayer is completed
  • Table cannot be modified manually in any manner
  • Entries cannot be deleted from this table except when we uninstall the app and re-install it
  • The history table cannot be reset
  • The app and this tab is multilingual and depending on the phone language it can also work in Hindi, Marathi & Gujarati

Following is the description for the History Tab

On the left is the way the History tab will look when the app is installed on the device. It is a very simple interface and easy to read page.

Every count will show the Start date & time and the End date & time for a single prayer count. The first row in every prayer count row is the start date and time and the second row within a prayer count row is the end date and time. See image below.

The first record in the table will always be the 0’th record. Subsequent records will always be placed on the top.

For every count of 108 japa completed it will record a single entry into this table. The table entries are

  • “Date” on which the prayer was started and completed
  • The “time” at which the prayer was started & completed
  • And the “total count” of prayer done until now
  • The table is displayed in the descending order of date or with the latest record on top

Existing Users Note

The below image highlights case for who have been using this app for some time now and the history table shows 2 different kind of records.

The image show a mix of 2 different types of history table counts.

For my esteemed user who have been using this app prior to v1.7.0 will see a single entry per count. The Start date and time is a newly introduced feature and and previous counts did not record the start date and time. This single entry will be for the End date & time of a prayer count. (The entry for counts 2,3,4)

But from v1.7.0 onwards there will be 2 entries per prayer count row. The first entry in a prayer count row will be for the Start date & time. The next row in the prayer count will be for the End date and time.

There is no setting to be done that will or will not show the start time and date
