
The “Settings” tab or I prefer to call it the application fine tuning tab. These settings define the app’s behavior when it is in use and the options in this page help you to truly personalize the application to your preferences and needs. Thees settings help you in reciting your prayers a more happy experience.

If you are stuck in any of the options do reach out to me via the Contact us page.

Backup and Restore

All apps that generate content should ideally have a way to manually or automatically backup data for their users. They should also be able to restore the content on demand so that one never looses their work. Same is the case with this simple app where we are generating historical content for our daily japas. …

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Mantra Verse

Many of us have a few lines of a mantra that we need to recite everyday. These lines can sometimes be a bit of challenge to remember when starting out with the prayer. The app now provides a facility to enter those few lines of a mantra verse or a beej mantra that will be …

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Target Count

Many of us have a certain target count or a focused goal to complete with the mantras that we recite. This could be a daily count that needs to be completed, a weekly goal that we need to adhere to or a set number of times that we need to recite our mantras. A target …

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Audible Notification

A brief sound which resembles the temple bell is played at the end of every 108 cycle. This is a simple setting where in you just need to toggle the button to Off or On position. There are no options like the haptic feedback and the main purpose of is to provide a audio notification …

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Do Not Disturb (DND)

We all look for that 10 – 15 minutes of peace where we are not disturbed by anything in the world and can bow our heads and pray. Apart form all the disturbances and nuisances available is the constant chiming of the cellphone via calls, text messages, WhatsApp messages and notifications from various apps installed …

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Missed Prayer Notification

You are expected to pray at least once a day at what ever time of the day it is feasible for you. This functionality of “Notify me of missed prayer” sends you a small reminder notification, reminding you to recite your prayers. The image along side shows the Settings tab for “Notify me of missed …

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Reset 108 Count on completion

This is a simply a setting which will reset your 108 count on the digital mala after completing one round. Please have a look at the images below for better understanding. The image along side shows the setting for “Reset 108 Count on completion“. Use this setting if you would like to reset the digital …

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Set Initial Lifetime Count

Set initial lifetime count, as the phrase suggests is used to set an initial count for the prayer counter app. There can be various reasons why you would like to set an initial count and some of them could be: I have been maintaining a manual count already and would like this app to continue …

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Dark Mode

The dark mode feature in the app changes background of the app to black. This also changes the various font/text colors accordingly in the entire app. From the settings tab simply click the dark theme toggle button. This will take the entire app from the current theme to the dark theme. Below are the Snapshots …

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